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OverTinkering’s responsive tutorials

I just stumbled upon a new video series by OverTinkering called “Learn Responsive Yoyoing”. You can see all the videos here:

I’m really excited to see more videos dedicated to this style, but also happy about some of the new things that Jason is documenting in the series, like his tutorials for responsive möbius tricks like this one and this one.

In case you missed it, I also have a youtube playlist, but it’s mostly focused on responsive counterweight tricks, so it’s nice to see someone making videos about the more basic elements in modern responsive play.

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The Art of Paul Escolar (In Memory)

A flier for an art show in Paul Escolar's honor. It shows a self-portrait of Paul in a Method Made shirt and a chain link going from him to a can of beer. The flier says: "Method Made SF Presents: The Art Of Paul Escolar (In Memory) - Saturday 4/20/24 from 4:20 to 8:20 PM at Method Made SF Gallery. Limited prints of Paul’s work & his collaboration with the Method Maker available for pre-order."

Paul Escolar was an extremely talented yo-yoer and artist who passed away in 2021. Though I met him through yo-yoing, I was always a huge fan of Paul’s illustrations and line work. The dude was a genius with a sharpie.

I’m excited that the folks at Method Made are putting together a show based on Paul’s work. The show opens tonight, April 20th, at 4:20 pm at 2544 Mission Street in San Francisco.

More details and artwork here

A self-portrait of Paul Escolar walking past a line of people. The people are all in corporate attire and looking at their phones. Paul is in a t-shirt and looking ahead hopefully and relaxed. The artwork is black and white. Paul's character pops out from the busy background by giving more black fills to his hair, pants, and shoes.

I had always hoped to film an interview with Paul about his art and the influence he had on the yo-yo community, but I missed my chance. I regret that, but I was able to find a rare interview with Paul about his art (which is republished here with The Method Makers approval)

And here is a great video about Paul’s influence on yo-yoing:

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Inverted Boingy Boing Tutorial

Pink text with sparkles that says "Boingy Boing", but the text is written upside down.

Ever since Yuta Ogawa debuted Boingy Boing in 1998, the trick became an instant classic. Every yo-yoer tried putting their own spin on the trick, like MarkMont’s “2nd Gen Boing” from 2004 or Rei Iwakara’s “Boingy Boing Switch“. My personal Boingy Boing goal was to be able to invert the Boingy Boing and keep it going. I struggled on this for years because I assumed that I’d need to switch the motion from my throw hand to my non-throw hand. I spent years trying to refine that motion, but finally figured out that I could easily do the trick without switching my dominant hand.

Here is my tutorial for Boingy Boing.:

And here are some other Boingy Boing variations from around the web:

And here is a great tutorial on the basic Boingy Boing:

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SF Yo-Yo Club on March 16th, 2024

A poster for the SF Yo-Yo Club. It shows a minimal drawing of a person throwing a red yo-yo.

Our next San Francisco Yo-Yo Club is at 3pm on Saturday, March 16th. We’ll be at Yerba Buena Gardens, but we’ll move it inside the Metreon food court if it ends up raining. Players of all skill levels are invited to join! We hope to see you there and it sounds like the weather is going to be amazing.

If traveling by BART, the Gardens are a short walk from both the Powell + Montgomery Street stations. The CalTrain Station at Fourth and Townsend is served directly by MUNI with stops on Third Street at Howard and at Mission. There is lots of parking downtown, but I encourage taking mass transit if possible for the easiest experience.

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An Intro to Responsive Counterweight Yo-yoing

A thumbnail drawing of a yo-yo and text that says "Responsive Counterweight Tutorials

Responsive Counterweight style is a combination of modern responsive yo-yoing and counterweight yo-yoing. It’s become my favorite style recently, and I love sharing tutorials for it on this Responsive Counterweight playlist.

I’ve heard good feedback on these tutorials, but a few folks pointed out they were looking for something that helped get them started in the style. So I recorded a ten minute long introductory video to teach all of the basics of Responsive Counterweight play.

For this video, I used a PLPTS yo-yo:

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3 Tricks From Double Or Nothing

A photo of a person doing the yo-yo trick known as "Double Or Nothing"

I recently posted three tricks that all start with Double Or Nothing. A few folks have asked me to share tutorials for these three elements, so I thought I’d round them up here.

Straight Jacket Escape

Wow, I just realized I’ve never posted a tutorial for this trick on Youtube, but I have published one on Patreon. You can watch that video here (even if you aren’t a subscriber).

Straightjacket Escape is a move that starts from a Double or Nothing, but then converts into something that looks like a Mach 5 mount. Usually I like to do this mount, then release the yo-yo from the mach 5, but it can be used for all sorts of other things too.

Purple Monkey Dishwasher (Double Or Nothing Variation)

Purple Monkey Dishwasher is a move where you start in a wrist mount, hop the yo-yo up, then quickly move your hands above and around the yo-yo before catching it back on the wrist mount. It’s like a jump rope. I shared a full tutorial on Purple Monkey Dishwasher, plus some variations at the very end of this video:

Here is another slow mo version of it:

@doctorpopular I was so happy to finally land this on video. The song is an original song i wrote with a friend last year. #yoyo #yoyotricks #slowmotion ♬ original sound – Doc Pop

Gerbil Or Nothing

Gerbil or Nothing is a variation of Skin The Gerbil that takes place entirely in Double Or Nothing.

And here’s another one that shows the steps a little slower:

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PopCast Yo-Yo Vlog: Bus Flow

A drawing of Doc Pop standing in front of a bus. He is holding a spray can in one hand and a yo-yo in the other. A graffiti tag on the bus behind him says "PopCast"

In the newest episode of PopCast Yo-Yo Vlog, I teach an original trick called “Bus Flow”. This is an extremely smooth and flowy trick, along the lines of Skin The Gerbil. Bus Flow has mostly intermediate trick elements, with a few advanced moves at the end. So if you are an intermediate player looking to push yourself a little, this is a great trick to work on.

This is my first new video since the Desert Island Yo was released, so I talk about that a little bit as well.

Also in this video, I talk about a graffiti handstyle that developed here in San Francisco that was an inspiration for the trick I shared. The style is called “Bus Flow” or “Frisco Flow”. Here this short video by Dregs One: