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PopCast #10: The Yo-Yo Emoji is Coming Next Year!

Last year I started working on a proposal for a yo-yo emoji, with the helps of my friends at Emojination. It’s been an interesting experience and I’m really excited to say that it’s been officially accepted by the Unicode Consortium. Expect to see it in Unicode version 12, early next year.

In this episode of PopCast, I talk about the process of submitting the yo-yo emoji and I share a new trick called a “flopsicle”.

If you like this episode, please help sponsor more via and don’t forget to use the hashtag #popcastyoyo if you share any tricks online that you may have learned from this vlog.

For those of you who might be curious, here is some of the data I scraped from Google Trends, organic search engine results (Bing, Google, Yahoo, Etc), and social media:

There are more specific examples in the proposal too.

Welcome to PopCast, a crowd sponsored yo-yo show, my name is Doc and I have some exciting news but first, I just wanted to give a shout out to my patreon backers who help make this show possible. Stick around to end of this show to find out how you can become one of my sponsors and win some free yo-yos.

Okay, last year I started working on a proposal for an emoji yo-yo… no, not a yo-yo with an emoji, but an official yo-yo shaped emoji that everyone can use online.

A few years before that, my friend Jen8Lee had successfully petitioned the Unicode Consortium for a dumpling emoji. Since then, she and her friend Alex created this thing called Emojination to help people like me submit emoji proposals.

Well, I’m excited the yo-yo emoji has officially been approved! The yo-yo emoji is happening!

Now obviously the Unicode Consortium, are hesitant to just keep adding more and more emoji, so the first thing you have to do is write this proposal for why the world needs a yo-yo emoji. You have to show the item is popular enough to warrant an emoji. And you have to be ab

For the most part, the proposal was pretty easy to write. When I talked about it to most people, they’d say “You mean there isn’t a yo-yo emoji already?” I mean, fucking curling has an emoji. Curling! 🥌  We care about curling once every 4 years.

So I just had to write a little about the history, show some example uses, and then just do a ton and ton of data to show how much more popular yo-yoing is compared to something like juggling, which has an emoji.

So the yo-yo emoji has been accepted and will be coming to Unicode version 12, which is slated for March of 2019. Thats a long time from now. I’ll be an old man then. Older.

So the yo-yo emoji is coming! Tell your friends. Now I wanna show you a neat new trick I’ve been playing with.

So that move is called the flopsicle, if you play around with it, please share it on Instagram using the hashtag popcastyoyo. You can also see that hashtag to see some tricks other people have learned from previous episodes, like this video of Josh Prokay messing with friction mounts.

The yo-yo I was using this week is a Bolt Part 2, which have just arrived at my home and will be on my shop soon.

If you like this show, you can sponsor it on Sponsors also get other perks like 10% off of yo-yos from my site, and all of my sponsors get entered into a monthly yo-yo giveaway. This month, one of my sponsors will win a Shibari from, and next month I’ll be giving away a brand new top secret prototype from One Drop yo-yos.

I’m halfway to reaching my next goal of producing more PopCast videos, so please help support the show to make that happen.

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